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Titelseite / Alle Zeitschriften / Nachrichten & Gesellschaft / TIME

Beschreibung von TIME:

Time has earned a reputation as the World´s Newsmagazine and no wonder - TIME clarifies and explains the significance of what is elsewhere merely reported. It has the largest full-time editorial staff of any publisher in the world. Reporting on subjects as diverse as medicine, science, sports, art, music, economy and business, books, law, theatre.

TIME is published bi-weekly (except for last week of December). TIME will be delivered in the form of double issues, which count as two. Frequency is subject to change without notice. Issue price based on single issue.

Erscheint auf Englisch - Bi-Weekly. Abo fängt an in: 4-6 Wochen.

TIME - bitte unten Abonnementszeitraum angeben:

Three Years Print and Digital
431,00 CHF
73% sparen*
One Year Print and Digital
144,00 CHF
73% sparen*
Half Year Print and Digital
79,00 CHF
70% sparen*

* Im Vergleich zum Preis am Kiosk (10 CHF /Nr)
Cover: TIME magazine

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